Thursday, 15 May 2008

The Druze are mourning their Heros.

Fierce fighting was reported between Hizbullah guerillas and pro-government loyalists supporting Druze leader Walid Jumblatt in Mount Lebanon, the central mountain range overlooking the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Sunday May 11 2008.

Hizbullah terrorist supported by Iranian terrorist Government had accused the Democratic Sinora Governement of willing to instaure the "Etat de droit", State Sovereignty on the whole terrotity of Lebanon. The Hizbullah teerorist group especially accused the Leader of the 14 of March Movement, a Democratic movement, which aspires to the Pax Civic, the Transparency of Lebanese Institutions, the Democracy of the Country as well as the growth of its economy and market.
But the hezbollah terrorist group intentions was prepared and ready to be executed since a while but mostly directed towards the People of the Mountain the Bani Mahrouf. Hezbollah terrorist leader hassan nasrallah gave his green light to his followers to massacre as much as Druze as possible.
For instance within the region of Aley, the terrorist Group Hezbollah, attacked with heavy weapons the villages mostly constituted with Druze citizen, when they by mistake attacked a Shia house, the hezbollah elements appologized for their behavior.
Same think in Choueifet, all the Shia resident supporters of the terrorist group hezbollah, left there houses, either Saturday night or Sunday morning before the terrorist actions took place against the peaceful and brave Bani Mahrouf only.
What about the taking over Chouf via Niha, the aim was to cut off the Druze of that region from Jezzin, Christian region, which acquired to the LF party, equiped in arms and ready to defend the Democracy of Lebanon and willing to support the attacked Druze if need be.

But Jumblatt' follower' s had to resist against the terrorists of hezbollah on their own infront the inaction of th einternational community, the arab world. The Brave Druze fighters defended themselve almost without weapons.
The Druze defended themselve bravely against the terrorists accusing alot of marthyres in their rang for the Democracy of Lebanon, but killing houndred of terrorists from hezbollah, as the IDF did in 2006 killing more than 400 terrorists from hezbollah. T
hezbollah terrorist group, therefore were not capable to take over the Druze Mountain. And the "300" destroyed the myth of the invincibility of hezbollah.

As M.P Saad Hariri said, hezbollah did not get a Victory in Beirut, as they did not confronted any resistance. It was not a war as the terrorist group did not fight against another military group, guerrilas, or milicia, the hezb faught against civilians and accused houndred of casualties.

The question is: if the terrorist group has to fight against another armed group how many thousand hezbolli terrorists will die?

The Myth of the invincible hezbollah is destroyed by the Brave Bani Mahrouf.

Today the druze community barries its marthyres, those heros who Bravely defended their family, their house, their Dignity, the Lebanese Democracy, their Land against the terrorist.

Today the Democrate Lebanese have to be thankfull those those Brave Fighters, who showed the terrorist hezbollah group, that the Druze will never knell against them.

We the Bani Mahrouf, aspire for the Peace, and Democracy in Lebanon. We the Bani Mahrouf wont the war but are ready to defend our Dignity if needed be. We the Druze, will always stand for the Democracy, the Truth and against the terrorist.

We lost our Brothers, and standing with there Families.

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